Leonard Nimoy

Leonard Nimoy pursued an early film role so hard he almost got arrested

He wanted to be in a Western. Instead, they called in the cavalry.

Spock's ears used to hurt Leonard Nimoy

The ears were painful and hard to apply.

Leonard Nimoy once escaped from Spock-obsessed fans via firetruck

Trapped in a manager's office and hiding from a crowd of fans, Nimoy had to get creative to get out of the building.

It took Leonard Nimoy great self-control to play the role of Spock

Nimoy had to find some zen to play the role of Spock, both in front of the camera and in the real world.

Spock once picked up JFK in his cab

Before he navigated the stars, Leonard Nimoy navigated the streets of L.A. as a cab driver.

Spock's ears caught the attention of many people, just not in the way he expected

Mr. Spock had a dedicated fan base, with or without the ears.

Leonard Nimoy created this iconic Spock scene, and nailed it in one take

"We had just enough time for one take — so it had to go perfectly!"
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