CBS Television Distribution
Whether friend or foe, the Enterprise encountered some of the most interesting characters the galaxy had to offer. Do you know all the appearances of every character in TNG? We paired together some of the series' most memorable characters, and it's up to you to decide who made more appearances on the show! Good luck!

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  1. Who was in more episodes: Wesley Crusher or Miles O'Brien?
  2. Who was in more episodes: Guinan or Tasha Yar?
  3. Who was in more episodes: Alexander Rozhenko or Dr. Pulaski?
  4. Who was in more episodes: Sarek or Tomalak?
  5. Who was in more episodes: Q or Ro Laren
  6. Who was in more episodes: Lwaxana Troi or Gowron?
  7. Who was in more episodes: Spock or Sela?
  8. Who was in more episodes: Lore or Hugh?
  9. Who was in more episodes: Kurn or Vash?
  10. Who was in more episodes: Worf or Deanna Troi?

Which Character Appeared in More Episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation?

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